Myopia Management

​​​​​​​​​​​​What is a Myopia Management Program?

If you were nearsighted as a child, I’m sure you remember your prescription constantly changing and that feeling of always seeing very blurry while others were not. As an adult, you have been told you need special contact lenses and glasses because your prescription is so high. You have probably also been told that you are not a candidate for Lasik or PRK, because you fall outside the range of surgery.

Luckily, there have been advancements in how myopia can be controlled and managed. FDA-cleared treatments offer a 60% reduction in slowing down this progression, keeping your child’s eye seeing better, and offering long-term health benefits. Read some of our frequently asked questions about this program.

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What is myopia?

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is the inability to see distant objects clearly. In contrast, close things are seen clearly. It's a growing concern among children as it’s a chronic, progressive disease that leads to the eye growing too long.

What is myopia management?

This program aims to slow the increase in a child's prescription and slow down the elongation of the eye. Our doctors offer various FDA-approved treatments to slow this myopia progression in children. These treatments include specialized contact lenses, atropine eye drops, and orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses.

Why should I be concerned about managing my child's myopia?

Managing your child's myopia is crucial to prevent the increased chance of eye disease commonly found in those with high myopia prescriptions. Slowing down the elongation of the eye helps:

  • Reduce the risk of retinal problems by 40%

  • Reduce the risk of glaucoma by 20%

  • Reduce the risk of visual impairment by 20%

  • Allows children to be a better candidate for LASIK/PRK when they are an adult

What is the best age for myopia control to work?

Myopia control is most effective when started in early childhood, typically between the ages of 6 to 12. Early intervention can significantly slow down myopia progression and prevent a significant shift in the prescription, which is irreversible once it happens.

Will children with a family history of myopia benefit from myopia management?

Yes, children with a family history of myopia are at a higher risk. Myopia management can still be effective in reducing the progression of myopia and lowering the risk of associated eye conditions.

What is the cost of the program?

Our consultation to see if your child is a candidate is $85, and the consultation fee becomes applied toward the best program for your child. We offer in-house financing for all our programs and an itemized receipt to submit for FSA/HSA funds, as insurance plans typically do not cover this.

​​​​​​How Can I Find Out More


Ortho-K Overnight Contacts

Ortho-K is the most popular option, as the contact lenses are worn while the child sleep. Parents can help with insertion and removal; they are easy to care for and maintain. Ortho-Kit allows for freedom from contact lenses and glasses for most of the day. Your child can see comfortably at school and play, and you don’t have to worry about them losing their glasses or not properly taking care of their contact lenses.

Daytime Contact Lenses

Soft, single-use daily contact lenses are inserted in the morning and removed at the end of the day. Your child must wear these for at least 8 hours, and they can function normally throughout the school day and with sports or after-school activities.

Prescription Eye Drops

Low-dose Atropine drops are prescribed and must be used every night before bed. They create a mildly dilated pupil throughout the day, which helps slow down myopia over time. Your child will STILL need contact lenses or glasses during the day and for all their activities.